Ring in the Radiance

Let’s face it – New Year’s Eve is inherently romantic. There’s just something magical about the evening. It’s a special moment in time, dividing everything that ever was from everything that is ever going to be. Here’s how you make it super special for the two of you:

A Small Celebration in the Midst of Big Excitement
All the world’s great cities host spectacular New Year’s celebrations – you may already know where you want to spend yours, or you may be trying to decide between New York City, Dallas or Nashville. Wherever you decide to ring in the New Year, choose a setting that’s memorable and meaningful.

Be Wholly Present

Everything matters, when you get right down to it. Pay attention to what’s going on around you – especially your special someone. Knowing that you’ve found the person you’re meant to be with is really, really special. It’s okay to take time to appreciate that – luxuriate in the experience of knowing love.

Show Your Joy, Everywhere You Go

There is no diamond on earth as brilliant as a happy woman’s smile. Let your light shine. Don’t be afraid to show your joy. Kisses are wonderful – especially at midnight! Hold hands. Enjoy being together. Laugh and dance and tell your story, word by word by beautiful word, until you know it by heart: this is me, this is you, this is us.

Afterward, Remember

Half the pleasure in any moment lies in reliving it – remembering the flash of a smile, the touch of fingertips, the music that rang through the air – with a lover’s attention to detail magically precise. Share your recollections with the one you made the memories with. Discover if their kisses still taste the same. 

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